So a couple of days ago Chance came to me extremely upset. He was fighting back tears while telling me he just choked on a penny. I asked him where the penny was now, a little worried what the answer would be. He told me it was in his heart. I think my heart stopped beating for a second; I tried not to show the panic and concern I was feeling. I asked him if he was sure he swallowed it and didn't just spit it out. He was sure he swallowed it and he could feel it in his heart and that he felt like throwing up. I tried calming him down by telling him he was going to be alright hoping he would not throw up which could have lead to the penny coming back up and getting stuck.
I called Mike and told him what his son just did :-). I told Mike was breathing ok but he was scared and upset. I wasn't sure if I should take him to instant care as a precaution or not. I called around to my siblings to see if any of their kids have done this. I got a hold of Heather and in fact Ryan had done this before. He was fine and eventually he passed the coin at some point in time with no problems. So I told Chance he would be fine and would poop the penny out later, which I think he thought was kind of cool. When Mike got home Chance said "hey dad, I have a penny in my butt".
I remember seeing a penny on my bedroom floor for the last few days and every time I passed it on the way to my bathroom I would think to myself I should pick that up. But of course I didn't listen to my inner self and left it there. So I went to check to see if it was still there. And of course it was gone in the place I remember seeing it last. However Chance was now laying on my floor watching cartoons and there was a penny on the ground next to him. So I picked it up and asked him if this was the penny he choked on but he said no that's my second one. I told him I was taking it away from him, he didn't argue with me on that one.
Bread Pudding
2 months ago
Sorry to laugh at you, but that was a pretty funny story! Adam swallowed one once, and it got stuck. I was so scared I had Jack call 911. But while he was talking to the dispatcher, Adam was able to swallow the penny down far enough that he could breathe again.
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